Shape models of Planetary Satellites (Moons)
Database Status: 37 moons
- 24 Nov 2018: Added S12 Helene
- 24 Nov 2018: Added S13 Telesto
- 24 Nov 2018: Added S14 Calypso
- 24 Nov 2018: Added S15 Atlas
- 24 Nov 2018: Added S18 Pan
There are hundreds of planetary satellites in our Solar System (Jupiter alone has no less than 67). Some of them (Moon and Phobos/Deimos) has been studied extensively by a large number of spacecrafts, while others have recieved much less attention.
Galileo and Cassini probes have provided a large number of high-resolution images that allowed scientists to create detailed surface models of some Jupiter and Saturn's moons and there is more to come.
S1 Mimas
S2 Enceladus
S3 Tethys
S4 Dione
S5 Rhea
S6 Titan
S7 Hyperion
S8 Iapetus
S9 Phoebe
S10 Janus
S11 Epimetheus
S12 Helene
S13 Telesto
S14 Calypso
S15 Atlas
S16 Prometheus
S17 Pandora
S18 Pan
S35 Daphnis